26 September 2024

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students/Annwyl Rhieni, Gwarchodwyr a Myfyrwyr

This week, we are featuring just some of opportunities that our students have had in the first fortnight back to get out into the local and wider community to enhance their learning experiences. We love these opportunities that enrich their studies and their relationships with peers and teachers.

Geography field work (a glorious occasion when the Welsh sun is shining!)

What a glorious week it was for some GCSE Geography fieldwork! The sun made a very welcome appearance for the Geographer’s to conduct their fieldwork in the Bannau Brycheiniog National Park.

This year the students are investigating how perceptions of a popular honeypot site, Pen-Y-Fan have changed over time. They conducted questionnaires with visitors to the site, interviews with National Trust employees, car counts and they even created emoji maps! Next week they will be conducting secondary research into how the area is represented in the media. Well done Year 11, you did us proud once again! That final push to the top can test the legs, but the students got behind each and every member of the group to celebrate the summit together!

LHS also does construction…(including demolition!)

Last week, those blue skies were also to be seen over Llanishen and our Key Stage 4 Construction students were afforded an amazing opportunity to get up close to the final stages of the extensive demolition of the tax office site in Llanishen.

We are very grateful to Erith for allowing our students this opportunity. This group love a chat! But on this occasion, they were completely absorbed in the narrative from the guide. And we can see why. The growing construction industry offers incredible career pathways across diverse sections of the industry.

Collecting for Cardiff Foodbank

The autumn term means we are back to hosting the Rotary Club of Llanishen for a monthly collection of donations for the Foodbank. We are always on our bus bays between 5pm – 6pm on the third Wednesday of each month. Any donations can be dropped off during this time, or indeed anytime in advance at our main school reception.

This year, the Rotarians can take a break from some of the heavy lifting as they have an energetic team of Year 12 volunteers including Ruben, Ruby, Denise, Hope and Bella.

Cardiff Foodbank expressed their gratitude for the donations. The Rotary Club are their largest donators, outside of corporations. Below is the certificate received from the collection that amounted to 137.5kgs that will provide 14 local people with 3 days of supplies. Thank you to everyone for their support.

NHS Blood and Transplant Organ Donation Week

Seasoned readers of my blog will not be strangers to an inspirational lady called Anna-Louise Stubbings who is an alumni of LHS and ex-head girl. Her daughter, Elizabeth, is now in Year 8. Where did that year go?!

Last week, on what would have been her son, Frasers, 16th birthday, Anna-Louise released her book, ‘Life, a story of believing.’

It was in the December of 2015 that Anna and her family were walking home from a school Christmas Concert, when her husband and son were suddenly hit by a car right before her eyes. Stuart her husband died on impact, however, her son Fraser was eventually taken to a specialist unit at a Bristol hospital. Tragically his injuries were too severe for him to survive.

It was at this point that Anna was asked the question, “Would you like to donate your son’s organs?.” At this completely life shattering time, when Anna was in severe shock, that was not a question she felt emotionally capable to answer. She needed support more than ever, however, she had to make her decision quickly and fill in the complicated paperwork alone.

In a time of such utter darkness, Anna created light by making the brave decision to donate Frasers organs – which saved the lives of four critically ill people.

You will be incredibly inspired by this short video from the launch of the book and will agree that Elizabeth has the most incredible composure and courage.

Copies of the book will shortly be arriving in our LHS library as well as libraries across the city.

A powerful read.  We will bring you photos from our school library when our copies arrive in situ. 

This is also our opportunity to send one last reminder for the Zumbathon charity event that will be hosted in Llanishen High School on Friday 27th September.

Come along and bring a friend!

Our LHS Library turns 1!

Last week, our school library celebrated one year! How did we celebrate? With books and cake! Well done to Zlata in Year 8 who made the amazing huge cake pictured below. Faith in Year 9 made gorgeous bracelets, Abi took care of cupcakes and biscuits, Holly made biscuits and Freddy made the posters! Mrs Hazeltine-Rees was very proud of her crew. They raised just under £100 in 15 minutes to go towards the library. Chloe, Maisie and Hayden in Year 11 are her superstars. They give up their time to help and support the younger librarians. (I hope they got some cake!)

Introducing your School Council for 2024-25!

Next today, I am delighted to introduce you to our School Council 2024-25. The first meeting of the year took place on 19th September and was professionally chaired by Rihen Zohar in Year 10.

During this, the student representatives got straight down to strategic agenda items including the School Development Plan, issues with school transport, and the reform of pupil voice.

They will be bringing you updates on their work through the year. In the meantime, here they are in all their glory, and a very fresh breeze….

Inflate 2 Skate!

Finally today, we are delighted to announce that the UK’s only inflatable skate ramp will be at Llanishen High School on Thursday October 3rd.  

You can ride it for free by clicking this link and register your interest by completing the form and waiver.


Fully qualified Skateboard GB coaches will come to the school with inflatable equipment and all the necessary safety gear and they would like to welcome everybody to come and take part and enjoy the experience.

Please see the poster below.  This is a free taster session is for all ages and levels. 

All Llanishen High School students can trial this innovative experience for free on Thursday 3rd October from 3:30pm.  Spread the word, tell your friends!

For more information, you can follow the links below:

Website: www.inflate2skate.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/inflate2skate 

Email: Inflate2skate@gmail.com

Please take a look at these videos to see how they teach the children to skate




The team look forward to meeting you all and learning some new skills on Thursday.

That’s it for now!  Quite a round up!

Until next week,

Thank you for reading/Diolch am ddarllen,

Mrs Sarah Parry, Headteacher

Headteachers Blog Archive can be found here.