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Llanishen High School opens its doors for a special community event
14 July 2023
Llanishen High School opened its doors this week to members of the community for a unique evening of food, drink, and entertainment courtesy of its students. With attendees including the Lord Mayor of Cardiff Councillor Bablin Molik, the director and assistant director of education for Cardiff Council and more in attendance, members of the community […]

Llanishen High School takes on Half Marathon challenge for City Hospice
6 July 2023
Llanishen High School has signed up for the Principality Building Society Cardiff Half Marathon this October to raise essential funds for City Hospice. Established in 1984, City Hospice is a registered charity which offers palliative care in the community for people with life-limiting conditions, as well as offering support to their families. With 18 individuals […]

Navigating Life After Sixth Form
16 June 2023
Finishing Sixth Form is an exciting time in any young person’s life, as it marks the beginning of new possibilities and opportunities. Whether you’re considering university, finding a job, or exploring apprenticeship options, this blog aims to provide you with a helpful guide on what to do after completing these key two years. Let’s delve […]

Take Five – GCSE revision guide
6 June 2023
If you’re working towards your GCSEs, it’s completely normal to feel a bit nervous about what’s around the corner. After all, this is likely the first time in your life you’ll ever have had to take formal exams and preparing for them might feel a little overwhelming. The good news is, that with a little […]

LHS GCSE – All You Need To Know
28 April 2023
Choosing your GCSE options in year 8 may seem overwhelming. However, it also signifies an exciting time in your life where you get to choose what you’d like to study for the first time! Taking the first steps towards shaping your future and being able to focus on what really inspires you. If you’re not […]

What you should consider before choosing a Sixth Form
16 November 2022
Having to think about your future before you’ve even finished your GCSEs can seem pretty daunting. Yet, it’s also a hugely exciting time and you’re firmly in the driving seat when it comes to the decision-making process. We know that for some, the desire will to go straight into work will be strong but for […]

Moving on up – Help your child transition from Year 6 to Year 7
12 October 2022
Transitioning from primary to secondary school can be quite daunting for children. It’s a big life change not only to their learning environment but their overall experience of school. For some, we know it can be uncomfortable and a bit of a shock to the system. For others, it’s something to look forward to. But […]