Get in Touch
Reception: 02920 680 800
Llanishen High School, Heol Hir, Llanishen,
Cardiff, CF14 5YL
We want to hear from you and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to get in touch with us. For parents/guardians, your initial point of contact should be via the relevant year office, for which contact details are shown below. Sickness or other absences should be reported
as soon as possible to the appropriate year office.
Important Contacts By Year Group
Year Group | TYL & PAL | Direct Telephone No. | Email address |
7 | YTL: Mr G. Emanuel PAL: Mrs A. Whitehall | 02922 781 338 | intake2024@llanishen.cardiff.sch.uk |
8 | YTL: Mr M. Hampton PAL: Mrs S. Evans | 02922 781 007 | Intake2023@llanishen.cardiff.sch.uk |
9 | YTL: Mr J. Owen PAL: Mrs K. Beck | 02922 781 021 | Intake2022@llanishen.cardiff.sch.uk |
10 | YTL: Mrs S. Tyler PAL: Miss. V. Ryan | 02922 781 033 | Intake2021@llanishen.cardiff.sch.uk |
11 | YTL: Miss V. Thorne PAL: Mrs. M. Francis | 02922 781 334 | Intake2020@llanishen.cardiff.sch.uk |
Sixth Form | Head of 6th: Mrs A. Hornblow Administrator: Mrs J. Jones | 02922 781 381 | amy.hornblow@llanishen.cardiff.sch.uk jjones@llanishen.cardiff.sch.uk |
How Can We Help?
We rely on regular feedback from our parents, governors and staff and welcome your comments or views. For all enquiries, please email us using the form below.