21 September 2023

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students/Annwyl Rieni, Gwarchodwyr a Myfyrwyr

Walking in Hardy’s shoes, and sitting where he once sat!

We start this week with a visit back to another age. No time was wasted in getting out of the classroom to experience deepest darkest Dorset. In order to help our intrepid Year 12 English Literature students bring their studied novel to life, Mr Mee and Miss Lockwood took them on a visit to Thomas Hardy’s neck of the woods. Students were able to see the locations in the novel and experience how his Victorian characters lived.

The knowledgeable guides were able to answer questions about how Hardy lived and the group were even able to sit at the desk where he wrote the novel. An inspirational experience and a great way to launch into the world and mind of Thomas Hardy.

Taking your A Level PE coursework to a whole new level!

Next today, we would like to shine a light on a member of our Sixth Form, Lucie Norman from Year 12.  Lucie’s achievements in football are to be commended. Despite fracturing her clavicle and requiring surgery in February this year, Lucie was part of the winning team playing for Cardiff & Vale SFA in the Welsh Schools County final U16s against RCTSFA in May 2023. 

Lucie has also played in an international for Boys Girls Club (BGC) Wales U17s against Boys Girls Club Scotland at the Marston’s Stadium on Sunday 23rd July 2023. Although Wales did not win, it was an amazing experience, staying at the hotel with the team and earning her 2nd cap. This was a fabulous game of football and she should be very proud.  Her family and school certainly are.

BGC Wales U17 squad are travelling to Spain in October 2023 to take part in the Trofei Malgratense international football tournament event where Lucie will be able to use the recorded footage as supporting evidence for her A Level in PE, where football is her chosen sport. Here are a few snaps from her journey so far in 2023, with much more to come!  An inspiration and role model for our younger students. 

Continuing to celebrate the success of our girls in sport…

Congratulations to all LHS students who collected certificates at the Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan School’s Athletics association awards evening. Awards were presented to students who competed at the Welsh Schools’ national cross-country championships at Brecon in February or represented the district at the Welsh Schools’ national track and field championships at Cardiff International Sports Campus in July. 

Students recognised from LHS included Lucas Snow, Rhys Pladdy, Thomas Holliday, Chloe Farmer, Florence Davies and Amelie Edwards (pictured below).  Congratulations to you all.  It is always amazing to hear about your participation outside of school.

Honing their practical skills…

It has been a typically busy return to school for our Hearing Impaired students. As well as welcoming new recruits into Year 7, James has been refining his excellent knife skills in his GCSE Food lessons. Pumpkin and butternut squash is the end product. Meanwhile, in another part of the school Luqman was getting to grips with another practical skill as he assembled a very creative montage for photography.

Learning Support ‘Star of the Week’

This week’s Learning Support’s SOTW is Sheridan Miles in Year 7. Sheridan has made a fantastic start to high school and this week she showed great courage by overcoming her fears.

This meant that she was able to participate in a whole lesson that she previously did not think she would be able to do.

Well Done Sheridan.  We are proud of how you persevered to overcome something that was difficult for you. 

Resilience is one of our core 5 values and it will support you to be even more successful!

A clear win!

Congratulations also go to Henry Parker.  In an exciting weekend, Wales beat England 38 – 18 at the under 16 level.  This victory left Wales unbeaten at the top of the standings.

Wales U16 became the first four nation champions after beating England.  Henry was the  top point scorer, with a try and 5 conversions! An exciting season ahead!

Finally today, I would like to thank the school community, especially the staff and students, for helping us to get ready to receive our visitors from Estyn next week.

When visitors come to stay, we want them to see and experience our school community at it’s very best. It is important to us that our visitors see us at our best for a number of reasons.  We want every student to be proud of our school because it reflects our standards and values.  It is an opportunity to celebrate the unique skills and achievements of our students.  It is an opportunity to celebrate the diversity and inclusion in our school community.  It is an opportunity to show people around the different provisions that are bespoke and unique to Llanishen High School. 

Finally, it is an opportunity to steer our plans and priorities for the next steps in our journey.

Wishing you all a relaxing weekend.

Thank you for reading/Diolch am ddarllen,

Mrs Sarah Parry, Headteacher

Headteachers Blog Archive can be found here.