27 October 2023

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students/Annwyl Rieni, Gwarchodwyr a Myfyrwyr

We made it!

Well done everyone on a very busy and positively productive half-term.  It’s been 8 long beautiful weeks. You all deserve a good break over the October half-term week.

Don’t forget to put your clocks back this coming weekend and enjoy that extra hour in bed.

Before we break up, please enjoy this weeks’ round up of student activity.

The UKMT results for 2023 are in!

Llanishen High School has been stretching the minds of the very brightest of Key Stage 5 with the UKMT Senior Maths Challenge. This maths challenge provides a variety of puzzles that increase in difficulty as you progress. It encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems. We are delighted to have so many high-achieving pupils involved!

The title and accolade of “Best in Year 12” goes to Lucie Norman and the enviable title and accolade of “Best in the School” goes to Fletcher Coates! Well done to everyone involved and massive congratulations to Lucie and Fletcher.

Year 5 and 6 Open Evening 2023

Last week, it was fantastic to host our Open Evening for Year 5 and 6 pupils and their family members. And what a turnout it was.  It was lovely to meet so many prospective students and their families.  I have to commend our staff and students on doing what they do best.  They offered a very warm welcome to our visitors and really showcased our inclusive ethos. We are big, but we know and nurture each individual. 

Once again, Mr Jayne put my ceiling tiles in jeopardy, doing what he does best.  Well done to everyone for braving the adverse conditions that came with Storm Babet. 

Girls on tour with Football Association Wales!

Last week also brought an amazing opportunity for some our footballing girls.  Our U13 Blue Girls Team went to FAW with our trainee PE teacher, Miss Richards, who plays for Cardiff City. 

Phoebe Toozer, Eliza Ingram, Amelie Edwards, Esme Martin, Isabella Owen, Eloise Jenkins, Alys Gunter, Ava Brattel and Ellie Butler enjoyed a fabulous trip to meet the Wales Team. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the experience. They had the opportunity to meet the team, train on the wonderful pitch, and get shirts and balls signed.

We hope it’s given them inspiration for our division 2 campaign coming up this season! Watch this space!  Well done everyone.

BBC Bitesize on tour comes to LHS!

We also had an exciting day with Years 7, 9 and 10 on Monday as we were joined by the BBC Bitesize schools tour to hear their fantastic panel discuss careers, how to create goals, and how to use your own amazing characteristics to reach your true potential. 

Meanwhile, in Computer Science, our Year 8 students were creating a numeracy game in Scratch, converting numbers from base 10 (how humans count) to binary (how computers count) and back again.

It is great to see everyone making the most of every moment of learning and developing their digital literacy skills.

Learning Support ‘Star of the Week’

This week we have 3 Learning Support Stars to finish the half-term. Lorna Ndegwa in Year 10 has been outstanding this term and worked hard in all subjects. Keep up the good work Lorna. Lexie Bridle in Year 9 showed excellent teamwork in the McMillan coffee morning. Well done Lexie! Jacob Beaven in Year 7 is nominated for always being on time, having the correct equipment, correct uniform and always willing to learn. Well done Jacob for always doing your best!

Here are our stars….

Year 12 Scholars’ programme

Our Year 12 Scholars enjoyed an informative and enjoyable launch to the Scholars’ Programme this week.

They were given a flavour of the world of Microscopy by their PhD mentor, Hannah, a world-leading researcher in how antibiotics punch holes in membranes. They will work with Hannah over six weeks, helping aid her in her PhD research and producing a short dissertation after they have finished the project. It sounds fascinating!

Eating cake for an excellent cause…

The ASC base held a Coffee afternoon for Macmillan this week as part of their ASDAN project. They planned the whole thing from start to finish. Our school community was so generous with their donations that they had to sell the cakes over 2 days because they had so much!  They have raised nearly £300. Thank you to everyone for the support!

Here are the team in action….

Healthy and spooky….

Finally this week, I leave you with some light relief from Mr Denison Kurg’s Year 13 tutor group.  

Tuesday night was the Halloween integration social event for Years 12 and 13. 13F made some Halloween watermelons!

A healthy snack and some much needed hydration for some Sixth formers on Wednesday morning.  They must have been talking a lot on Tuesday night.

All that remains is for me to wish everyone a very healthy and safe half-term break.

We will see you bright and early on Monday 6th November.

Thank you for reading/Diolch am ddarllen,

Mrs Sarah Parry, Headteacher

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