12 December 2024
Dear Parents, Guardians and Students/Annwyl Rhieni, Gwarchodwyr a Myfyrwyr
I hope this blog finds you safe and well, with as much of your garden fencing in tact as possible. We were relatively unscathed at LHS but I know that has not been the case for all. As the term speeds on, please enjoy a round up from the week. In the penultimate week of this term, we navigate the fine line of maintaining the momentum of teaching and learning whilst embracing some festive cheer!
What would Year 7 do with the Ty Glas tax office site?
In their Humanities lessons with Mrs Geare, 7F have been creating their designs for the tax office site. They have been studying the concept of Diversity and as a part of this they have been looking at what makes an inclusive city. The students have been learning about Local Development Plans and were tasked with the challenge of creating a plan to regenerate the old tax office site.

Haydn Ashcroft has kindly provided us with his groups written justification for their development;
For our design, we have created a sporting stadium. This stadium will be made for football, rugby and American football. As the NFL is expanding across the world, we thought that inviting them to Cardiff would benefit the local economy significantly.
We have also created a child-friendly park, full of colour, to meet Goal 31 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Rest, Culture and Play).
On top of this, as Cardiff is a very diverse city, we have made a wheelchair entrance for those who need it, and a calm and quiet box for those with special-needs to watch the game from.
For the cultural aspect of this challenge, we have created statues of two Welsh sporting greats, Gareth Bale and Dan Biggar. Gareth Bale, scoring 41 international goals, and scoring a free kick to provide Wales a World Cup opportunity in Qatar. Dan Biggar, scoring 300 international points, and supporting his team when times are great, and when times are not so good.
In terms of sustainability, we have made a cycle path and bike shed to encourage more people to cycle to games, creating a more environmentally friendly city. We have also added a cultural dragon that includes solar panels, which powers the fire that it breaths when Wales score!
In conclusion, this stadium was created to support diversity, enhance the rights of children and give Welsh people more of an understanding of Welsh sport and culture, all while enhancing the economy of our wonderful country, Wales!
Haydn, Samuel and Tomos, 7F

Last foodbank collection of 2024
I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Year 12 LDP volunteers for braving the chilly nights to keep up the excellent work for Cardiff Foodbank. Thank you also to the Rotary Club of Llanishen for their consistent commitment and organisation. Very much appreciated.

Wednesday 11th December was the largest collection of the year so we look forward to confirmation from the Foodbank on the quantity of the donation and the number of local people it will support over the coming festive period. It was also the coldest of the year so far so a (non-alcoholic) gluhwein was much appreciated by the volunteers!

Book Bonanza
We are holding another ‘Book Bonanza’ in school that will see us giving away free books for students on Wednesday and in the final week of this term. The free book stall will be open in the main foyer at the school entrance (by the West Wing Hall).
For students this will run through break and lunch times on Wednesday 18th December and Thursday 19th December.
For parents/carers and students it will run after school from 3.00 – 3.30pm on Wednesday 18th December.
We have a wide selection of pre- loved fiction and non-fiction books. Pick up a book for the holidays!
We would welcome any books you have finished with at home, particularly anything suitable for years 7-13. You can drop these off at any time you are having a clear out! Please drop to the main school reception at any time through the school year.
Learning Support ‘Star of the Week’
Congratulations to Kaylem in Year 11. Kaylem is our fabulous SOTW. He is incredibly thoughtful and helpful with some of our younger students, helping them with tasks and he has even joined the Couch to 5K. He is constantly encouraging them and is such a positive student. A fantastic attitude and pleasure to be around!

It’s beginning to look festive!
As we walk around the school, there are certainly some clues to the onset of the festive season. What a joy it was to follow my nose to the hive of festive baking that was taking place on the Food corridor.
In the professional kitchen, Mrs Pettit’s Year 10 group were applying the butter icing to their fat free yule logs, having tested the process of aeration. Mrs Richards crew were doing likewise, and Mr Owens Year 8 class were giving their festive chocolate chip cookies some serious welly.
The smell permeating the whole block was heady! I hope some of the festive creations made it home for parents and guardians to try!

Another sure-fire clue that we are getting festive is the arrival of the Grinch frappe in the school canteen. Is it sprout flavoured? Do you dare to try?!

Lost property appeal!
At the end of a long term, we would like to invite all students, parents and carers to view a sample of the items that have been handed in to lost property in Learning Support. Please come along at break time to claim your missing item. And for 2025, PLEASE PUT YOUR NAME IN YOUR STUFF! If your name is on it, we can return it to you directly.

Well done everyone! We look forward to bringing you more news and updates next week, including our amazing Christmas concert.
Just a final reminder that this will take place on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th December in the West Wing Hall. The start time is 6pm with an approximate finish time of 8:30pm. It promises to be a show to remember! Tickets are still available on ParentPay.
Thank you for reading/Diolch am ddarllen,
Mrs Sarah Parry, Headteacher