Welcome To The LHS Chemistry Department
GCSE Chemistry
Chemistry is the study of matter (or ‘stuff’) and the changes it can undergo. It is about understanding the basic properties of matter and learning how to predict and explain how they change when they react to form new substances.
The GCSE Chemistry course provides students with opportunities to carry out their own scientific investigations and to evaluate scientific information. Students also look at how scientific knowledge and expertise provides benefits for society, but can also pose moral and ethical problems. They also develop their skills in communication, mathematics and the use of technology in scientific contexts.
- Unit 1 – Chemical substances, Reactions and Essential Resources.
- Unit 2 – Chemical bonding, Application of Chemical Reactions and Organic Chemistry.
- Unit 3 – Practical Assessment
2 x 1 hour 45 minutes externally assessed written examinations – 45% of qualification individually, 90% total. A mix of short answer; structured; extended writing and data response questions, with some set in a practical context.
Practical Assessment – 10%, externally assessed.
- Obtain results from a given experimental method. (60 minutes.)
- Analyse and evaluate the data obtained. (60 minutes.)
A Level Chemistry
The A level Chemistry course encourages candidates to understand that chemistry is concerned with the exploitation of the Earth’s resources in the production of energy and new materials by the control and use of chemical reactions. Understanding the behaviour of materials allows chemists to design new materials for specific uses. In these respects, chemistry plays a vital role in providing an enhanced quality of life.
- AS Unit 1 – The language of Chemistry, Structure of Matter and Simple Reactions. Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes 20% of qualification. Short answer questions, structured and extended answer questions.
- AS Unit 2 – Energy, Rate and Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes 20% of the qualification. Short answer questions, structured and extended answer questions.
- A2 Unit 3 – Physical and Inorganic Chemistry Written examination: 1 hour 45 minutes 25% of qualification. Short answer questions, structured and extended answer questions.
- A2 Unit 4 – Organic Chemistry and Analysis Written examination: 1 hour 45 minutes 25% of qualification. Short answer questions, structured and extended answer questions.
- A2 Unit 5 Practical examination 10% of qualification
Progression and Career Opportunities
A Level
Useful Resources