Welcome to the LHS PE Department
The principle goal of the PE department is to encourage everyone to see and feel the value in activity. We want pupils to learn about the benefits of activity. Not only the physical benefits but the positive effects exercise can have on the pupils’ mental and social health too.
The real test of the success of PE teaching is pupils feeling inspired from PE lessons and choosing to be active in their own time and also when they leave school and understand the need for activity in their lifestyle.
We will do this by offering a variety of different sports throughout the year from more traditional sports like rugby, netball, hockey and football. In addition pupils will spend time on the school mountain bikes, sample the boxing gym, Cheerleading, Dance, Tennis, Badminton, volleyball, handball, outdoor and adventures and orienteering. We also have a state of the art new Fitness Centre ready for this September for pupils use is school time and afterschool.
We offer a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities and all of our clubs are inclusive to all pupils regardless of ability. We do run a very high number school teams I a variety of sports such rugby, football, netball, hockey, baseball, basketball, soft ball cricket, athletics, gymnastics. These teams compete across Cardiff in a wide variety of sports.
In addition we also run the a Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Silver and Gold and the information for his can be found on the school website
WJEC – GCSE PE and A Level PE
Pearsons BTEC Level 2 (Years 9,10 and 11)
Pearsons BTEC Level 3 (Years 12 and 13)
Year 7 & 8
Year 9,10 & 11
Sixth Form
Useful Resources