Year 6 to 7 Transition
Transitioning from Year 6 to Year 7 with ease.
Dedicated to overseeing and coordinating the transition as smoothly as possible.
Here at Llanishen High School, we have been planning for you/ your child to join us in September. In addition to a number of transition activities we have planned (listed below) we have put together a number of resources which include:
School prospectus 2023/2024 – providing general information about the school itself and the specific structures and procedures we have in place.
The LHS Admission form which can be returned via email or a printed copy can be handed in at any of our transition events.
A parents’ supplementary guide to transition – a document that provides answers to some of the frequently asked questions, forms of communication between parents and school, curriculum outline and extra curricula opportunities available.
A copy of the transition letter, for your reference.
School Uniform – YC Sports provides a comprehensive stock of the uniform requirements that all students will need. (sales@ycsports.com)
We recognise that the transition from a familiar and much-loved primary school is an anxious time for students and parents alike, and to help with this, we have a member of the Senior Leadership Team dedicated to overseeing and coordinating the transition. This is Mr Andy Mee, Assistant Headteacher for Transition.
You’ll also find:
- The Year Team
- Our student Buddies and present Year 7 students have been included in the video clip to provide some answers to frequently asked questions and provide reassurance to the year 6 that all will be well.
- Our additional learning needs team, led by our ALNCo (Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator), Mrs Ellen Pawar liaises with each of the primary school ALNCos to gain more in-depth information on students’ additional learning needs.
- Colleagues from our Hearing Impaired Base and Autism Base, led by Mrs Estelle Williams & Mr Charlie Batten, will liaise with identified individual students in their primary schools to discuss their needs and ensure they are grouped appropriately.
You will find copies of all of the documents and information set out above on the right-hand side of this page. These have also been sent to all primary schools. I am sure that these documents and resources will answer many of your questions, but if you require any information please contact Mrs Beck in the year 7 office
Andrew Mee
Assistant Headteacher (Transition)